Saturday, February 1, 2014

Boy Scout Troop One's 56th annual Pancake Breakfast

Ex Scout Master, Jim Right, front, and current Scout Master, David G. Summerfield, prepare pancakes for Boy Scout Troop One's 56th annual Pancake Breakfast at Crescent Hill Methodist Church. November 9, 2013.
(Matt Herp/Special to the Courier-Journal)

Rosie Bariteau, 3, takes a huge bite of her pancakes. November 9, 2013. (Matt Herp/Special to the Courier-Journal)

Troop One Boy Scout, Kyle Florence, calls for one of his fellow scouts to come and pick up his order.
November 9, 2013. (Matt Herp/Special to the Courier-Journal)

Simon Buckner of Boy Scout Troop One waits on Pat Barker and the rest of her table.  November 9, 2013.
(Matt Herp/Special to the Courier-Journal)

Jenna Metzmeier puts a big dent in her pancakes. November 9, 2013. (Matt Herp/Special to the Courier-Journal)

Mona Ball, right, and Wes Payne joyfully run the cash register and information table at the Boy Scout Troop One 56th annual Pancake Breakfast at Crescent Hill United Methodist Church. November 9, 2013.
(Matt Herp/Special to the Courier-Journal)

Nicholas Thomas, 1, accidentally stabs his dad, Casey Thomas, in the mouth, while trying to feed him a load of pancakes. November 9, 2013. (Matt Herp/Special to the Courier-Journal)

Asst. Scout Master, Lee White, pours freshly made decaf coffee into an new container. November 9, 2013.
(Matt Herp/Special to the Courier-Journal)

From Left, Art Atkinson, Marilyn Thomas, Caroline Atkinson, and Michelle Edwards entertain with a few jokes after eating their pancakes. November 9, 2013. (Matt Herp/Special to the Courier-Journal)

John Summerfield grimaces after noticing he has run low on his supply of pancakes. November 9, 2013.
(Matt Herp/Special to the Courier-Journal)

Oliver Goodman, 4, takes a bite of his pancakes. November 9, 2013.
(Matt Herp/Special to the Courier-Journal)

Christian Taylor, of Boy Scout Troop One, puts a plate of pancakes on his grandfather's head, Robert Tomes. Tomes is accompanied by his wife, Debbie Tomes, far left, mother, Vida Tomes, and granddaughter, Audrey Goodman.  November 9, 2013. (Matt Herp/Special to the Courier-Journal)

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